Thursday, April 30, 2009


ok I´m here and i haven´t been robbed yet. brief run through of some things that have happened:

Salinas de Bolivar: they pulled themselves out of poverty. they had a series of international volunteers help them develop several value added industries like chocolate, cheeses, soccer balls, and some other stuff too. awesome

Training: I finished. 3 people didn´t. 1 left of own accord. 1 got kicked out for telling PC about taking some medicines that weren´t mentioned in the application, cause the trainee wasn´t taking them at that time. at least thats how i heard the story, and PC hasn´t clarified it any. the last got kicked out for attitude or something. that´s unfortunate, i didn´t think there were any problems, but whatev. thats how it goes. there is a theory that they plan (and budget) for a certain attrition rate and if the training class is as awesome as ours and few people leave, then there might be motivation on their part to look for problems. just a theory.

anyway, we had a last night together party at a little pizzeria/bar. it was crazy. unbloggably crazy. no one got hurt. (physically at least). nough said.

So here I am in Pimampiru waiting for a truck to take me up in to the mountains. and we are on alert for swine flu, so i shouldn´t be coming back down from the mountains for a while. well, i could come back to Pimampiru, but I probably won´t be able to visit the other PCVs around here. oh well, thats not why i´m here. Cuerpo de Paseo is the pun referencing volunteer experiences primarily based in tourism. this is the cuerpo de paz not the cuerpo de paseo we say.

others say if you´re not in africa, you´re not in the peace corps.

maybe. i dunno. ecuador is pretty posh, as far as developing countries go. some people cal it posh corps. ok. thats enough. i clearly have nothing worthwhile to type; i´ll get some lunch. meanwhile, if you´re interested, chew on this bit of anthropology my brother sent me. ..

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